
EMS FLOOR GROUP is a 100% Romanian company with over 10 years of international experience in the field of synthetic floors, which was achieved by completing various large scale projects in various industries.

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The EMS HYDRO SYSTEMS division joined the group as a self-standing division in 2018; EMS has applied waterproofing systems in the past as well through various collaborators, but the two brothers, Claudiu and Marius BACIU decided to expand the group’s field of activity, seeing this construction activity as an unexplored potential in the field market.

The division was shaped at the start by Rareș BARB. He developed and implemented the waterproofing division while maintaining the values and direction received from the Floor Division.

After 2 years, the team reached 25 employees and implemented all types of waterproofing systems for more than 50 projects. The Projects implemented by the Hydro Division go beyond Romanian borders as well, managing to execute waterproofing systems both in Belgium and Luxembourg.

Waterproofing systems are systems applied to various construction elements which prevent water rising in working spaces or in structural elements.

Fields of use

  • Underground foundations and structures
  • Terraces and roofs
  • Swimming pools and SPAs
  • Bridges and viaducts
  • Bathrooms
  • Hydraulic structures and water tanks
  • Water ascension through capillary
  • Tunnels
  • Injections against water rising and against the ascension of water through capillarity
  • Adjacent works – structural consolidations using composite materials (carbon fiber, steel fiber, glass fiber, basalt fiber aramid fiber)

Benefits of waterproofing systems

  • They protect building elements against water
  • They extend the lifes of the constructions
  • They decrease the risk of mold development and create a healthy space
  • They lower building maintenance costs

Fields of use

  1. Houses, blocks of flats and residential areas
  2. Industry
  3. Hospitals, clinics, medical field
  4. Production, storage and logistic spaces
  5. Parking lots
  6. Shopping centres, malls
  7. Offices
  8. Sport facilities
  9. Swimming pools
  10. HORECA
  11. Bridges and viaducts
  12. Tunnels
  13. Treatment, filtering and purifying stations

Hydro projects


Injections against water ingress

Injections in case of water ingress are usually done for projects which involve special high depth foundations. Here, groundwater is close to the building’s founding structure – very high buildings, offices, parking lots, residential buildings, shopping centres but also constructions built in water such as dams, tunnels, bridges, water treatment plants.

Injection models are chosen depending on each project’s specifics and are only implemented by specialised teams using specific injection equipment.
Materials used can be based on various types of resins, gels, mortars, cement based solutions, and are chosen depending on project specifics and particularities discovered on site.

Cold or hot bituminous membrane waterproofing

Bituminous membrane waterproofing systems are among the most common types of waterproofing systems. They can be used both on vertical and horizontal surfaces on the following building elements – foundations, roofs, terraces, tunnels, balconies, bridges, viaducts, the exteriors of swimming pools and reservoirs.
Bituminous membranes can be used as diffusion membranes or vapor barriers as well.

The installation method depends on membrane type, either by cold bonding (self-adhesive membranes) or open flame bonding.

Synthetic PVC/TPO membrane waterproofing systems

Synthetic PVC/TPO membrane waterproofing systems are mostly used in the roofs of industrial buildings and large shopping centres in circulating and non-circulating systems inside or outside tanks or clean water reservoirs.

They can be used both on vertical and horizontal surfaces.
The PVC/TPO membrane can be applied by ballasting or by attaching it mechanically to the support, and the edges are sealed by heat welding.
TPO waterproofing systems are selected based on their setting type and can be resistant to microorganisms or ultraviolet rays.

Injecting and draining historical buildings

Injections against water ingress by capillarity and drainage works are done in general in the case of old (historical) buildings with full brick walls, but also in the case of new buildings with reinforced concrete structural elements.
They can be also combined with specific waterproofing works on the positive or negative side of the walls on which waterproofing works are conducted.

These systems lead to faster drying of the walls in their mass, stop the ascension of water through the capillarity of the walls and create a salt deposit for a period of at least 25 years.
Water doesn’t go up the wall anymore which leads to the disappearance of plaster falls and moisture traces in the plinth area.

Bentonite membrane waterproofing systems

Bentonite membrane waterproofing systems are applied to both old and new buildings. This type of waterproofing systems can be installed between various building elements.
1. between two reinforced concrete elements (between molded walls and diaphragms and between secant piles and diaphragms)
2. between a reinforced concrete element and well compacted soil
3. between a reinforced concrete element and a leveling concrete slab or a well compacted stone layer

This type of waterproofing is used in foundations with hydrostatic pressure including special ones. Bentonite membranes can be applied both horizontally and vertically and can be installed even at negative temperatures and when moisture is present in the support (fresh concrete). The areas on which it is applied must be free of water puddles.

Liquid bituminous, acrylic PU membrane waterproofing systems

Liquid systems can be bituminous, acrylic, PU. They are applied both on horizontal and vertical surfaces. They can be covered by other layers or they can be used as final layer. They can be repair systems or waterproofing systems.

Liquid membrane waterproofing systems are used in
• old or new roofs;
• insulation against moisture for porous floors in basements, balconies, terraces, garages.

Polyurea waterproofing systems

Polyurea waterproofing systems can be applied in all fields of activity and on any kind of surface.
This type of system is a TOP ONE. It is an extremely resistant system to chemical substances and its hardening time is of 30 seconds.
It is applied mechanically using specific equipment and the application times are extremely low.

Green roofs

Several diffusion and waterproofing layers with root protection are applied. Installation of thermal insulation systems – Circulating and non-circulating terrace thermal systems (EPS, XPS, VATA, PIR).

Work categories related to waterproofing systems executed by waterproofing divisions

Installation of terrace thermal insulation systems – Circulating and non-circulating (EPS, XPS, VATA, PIR) Installation of carbon fiber consolidation systems – used in old or new buildings in need of structural consolidation. This type of consolidation can be used as an interventional measure in any type of structural element. After executing the consolidation works, fire protection is applied.